Dr. Youssef Saad provided your child with their new retainer to help hold their teeth in their new position. This is an important step to preserving the realignment performed by their braces.
Even after their braces have been removed, there will still be a modest amount of residual tension in their dental sockets. If it isn’t addressed in some way this tension can cause their teeth to gradually drift out of their correct position. Their retainer is a removable piece of dental acrylic that Dr. Youssef Saad designed to match the shape of their mouth. While the retainer is in their mouth it will be locked in place by wires that correspond with specific teeth.
Their retainer will need daily care and cleaning to ensure its maximum effect. If something is bent, damaged, or suffers excess wear and tear, it could increase the amount of time they need to use a retainer. They will need to take their retainer out when eating. This will prevent food particles from getting trapped under the retainer and keeps it safe from damage.
Try to encourage your child to keep the retainer in its case when they’re not using it. It’s best to get them in the habit of keeping the case quick at hand. They can refresh the retainer by soaking it for a few minutes in an equal mixture of water and antiseptic mouthwash. They should also lightly brush the retainer with a soft-bristled toothbrush and nonabrasive toothpaste.
If your child had their teeth corrected by braces at Dr. Youssef Saad’s orthodontic clinic in Fort Worth, Texas, and you have a question about how to best maintain their retainer, you can call 817-921-3400 to speak to a staff member at Pearl Smile Dental.